
Showing posts from July, 2017


I'm independent because I'm free and I'm American.It has nothing to do with left or right nonsense.Being independent means being free and it also means being in the middle. In the political world being in the middle is where you keep your head and have ground to stand on.Sometimes I think the far left and the far right will go over board and one of them or both will eventually.But I have no intention of standing near one or the other because of this. It is why the Lord spoke of the narrow road and the wide road.The narrow is the middle road where few find and the wide is where many are now.The middle is where the light stays on.Where there is a road,where there's joy and fireworks of freedom that reaches high as Lady Liberty's torch. And the Star Spangled Banner echoes through the ages of past and present reminding us of the cost and the courage paid for freedom.Giving their last full measure of devotion which continues today. Freedom is not a political caus