
Showing posts from November, 2018


RESIDENTS IN MCHENRY COUNTY recently held a protest crying about President Trump firing Jeff Sessions.Well first of all he wasn't fired,he resigned and second in my opinion he wasn't doing his job anyway. THE MUELLER PROBE has been going on in false accusations and all this time haven't found any evidence of Russia collusion with the Trump campaign.So why are they continuing?Because it's a witch hunt.There is more evidence of Hillary Clinton connection with Russia then Trump.Where was Sessions on this-nowhere! They cry for the president's impeachment-never happen and they can shout to the moon all they want but it will never happen.In fact he will get re-elected. As for Jim Acosta who recently got himself kicked out of the White House because of being an ass as he is only did this to himself as also the network he works for.But Acosta wasn't booted because he disrespected President Trump.He was booted because he disrespected the office of the presid