
Showing posts from November, 2019


"The American Dream does not come to those who fall asleep."-President Richard Nixon. It seems many today have fallen asleep. Dreaming of entitlements instead of visioning and working in the arena of ideas. They'd rather march about climate change or spit anger at President Trump then work with their fellow man on working to better our society and our country. But the American Dream is not for the faint hearted either. It's for the strong spirit. Determined to rise to the occasion and build on the hopes  of not only their tomorrow's but the hopes of tomorrows for the nation. The American Dream is made for those who don't give up on the arena of ideas-who would search the unknowns instead of complaining about yesterday. For life is short and the great work is always ahead and it takes inspiration not negativity to steer us in great efforts to build on it. But it's a waste of spirit to spread anger and wish harm on some because you disagree on