
Showing posts from December, 2017


                                              RESPECT! "Respect is one of life's greatest treasures."-Marilyn Monroe. Respect is one of life's greatest treasures and disrespect is life's worst poisons.For people of all kinds of different cultures who disrespect each other makes life harder-not easier.But when they respect each other a world of hope emerges like spring enters from winter,as the sun emerges from the clouds. Respect even in disagreements goes along ways.It's vital to the relationship of the human family. For all the hate,the violence,terrorism and sexual harassments.Love and respect for one another are the ingredients to steer our ship with hope.Working together in a world of so many problems and diseases-it needs the best of people not their worst.We need our scientists as well as our men and women of faith.Both men and women of leadership as well as our allies.We need our community's as well as our families. To respect each


A PURPOSE OF A DREAM to me is to reach beyond your grasp.Going out of your comfort zone and stand in a place where controversy emerges and truth is open. A PURPOSE OF A DREAM to me is to imagine a world where hate and wars do not exist and the color of skin or religion does not matter.Only the conduct of our characters does. A PURPOSE OF A DREAM is where we find each other at the same table-crowning our good in brotherhood and making peace and goodwill among men and women a reality.A dream where politics has no hold but only the service of love,hope and peace stirs our movement.With love being the greatest of them. We preach and preach on all of this yet the airwaves are scrambled by hate,division of left and right politics and any dreams fought for,marched for,hoped for are squashed. A PURPOSE OF A DREAM to me especially in a promise land like America is meant to be worked on with hope so everyone is free with liberty and dignity.A dream like this is not far fetched and it


"If your tired of arguing with strangers on the internet.Try to talk to one in real life."-President Barack Obama. Disagree with his policies but he's not wrong here.Because too many of us are strangers on the internet-unknowns in public that will shout with voices of opposition instead of knowing each other in person.We act cruel and hateful of one who either supports President Trump or opposes him.But the internet is an arena of ideas,like the public arena and where too often it becomes a field of attacks. President Obama wasn't afraid to write back when I told him I didn't always agree with him and that I salute him for that.People can't be afraid to talk to one another or give ideas to one another.Instead we fight "I'm right and you're wrong!"That to me is not increasing progress,it's decreasing it and it's making it harder for progress. Let's quit attacking Trump and quit attacking each other.We need to talk to one a


George Washington was America's first elected President of the United States but it was in fact John Hanson was our first president.The Articles of Confederation-the predecessor to the Constitution required a president-albeit one with greatly diminished powers-and eight men were appointed to serve one year term according to Articles of Confederation. First of these was John Hanson,in 1781 and his exact title was President of the United States in Congress assembled. The Articles of Confederation did not specifically define the powers of the president and so under John Hanson's leadership various departments of the government were formed. He alone had the authority to correspond and negotiate with foreign governments.During his one year in office he approved the Great Seal of the United States that is still used today and helped establish the first U.S. Treasury Dept.He lead the fight to guarantee the statehood of the Western territories beyond the appalachian mountains tha