
Showing posts from September, 2024


  "We are as happy as we make up our minds to be." Abraham Lincoln. I'm the happiest when I write-happiest taking a scrap piece of paper and start scribbling on it. Example like reading a quote from President Lincoln and writing it down because it tells me something. I find my treasure in scrap paper.So much I have it all over my office. When I see a quote or something comes to mind that strikes me.I grab that piece of paper and write it down. Something peaceful about a pen and a piece of paper.You can simply scribble and be just as happy with words.If the notes touch you,then you read it again and again.Sometimes I hurry writing and then can't read what I wrote. That disturbs,but I need to slow down when I write. But some of my writings I think to myself,"Did I just write that?" Being happy and how we make up our minds to be happy is ours alone.We can be inspired by others but our happiness and how we make it should inspire more,because each of us has a gif

Why Politics is a Disturbing Trend!

 There's no common ground-no reason and spirit to achieve progress and lift America's role in the world. Politics is about power not purpose. It's about yelling out accusations instead of talking of ideas. No unity-only party lines. Not encouraging,only discouraging. Politics along with power have become destructive. Now I know Alexander Hamilton gave us a reason why government was instituted and perhaps they'll never be a reason and justice because men won't conform. And as long as men won't conform ,then what spirit does it actually have in a nation we call-America? President Trump after nearly assassinated,yells out,"Fight!Fight!Fight!" Well that's all it ever is. We don't live for life,we live to fight life. Call it left or right all you want,but America is not the promise some think. The way were acting today is not a promise-its a repeat of Rome. And our politics is the direction thereof. I sound disturbing,but our politics has become a d