
"I read more and and enjoy it less!" JFK

  IT'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK and I can hear the words of President Kennedy."I read more and enjoy it less." I wrote this last year: Newspapers are vital information to the citizen,to the local and state governments.It's vital to the President of the United States and the fed govt. And although we read more and enjoy less of the news by the newspapers as JFK sometimes did and that was because of the articles that were about him they don't always intentionally give us bad news.The world does that on its own.They just report it. They report on every administration,the policies and where the country is succeeding and failing.Personal opinions are involved but they also have a section for the citizen.TO THE EDITOR where our opinions are printed. Newspapers,regardless of how bias we may see the media can be at times,I do not think they are the enemy of the people.We all including them get caught in the political dismay where reason sees none and arguments and hate eme


  "We can draw lessons from the past,but we cannot live in it." President Lyndon B. Johnson.  Learning and looking ahead makes a journey lessonable and rewarding. For the past is filled with mistakes as well as successes. And both are equally vital in learning in order to see the hopes of tomorrow.  If we fail to learn and understand the past we end up living in it. For it keeps repeating.  And if it keeps repeating, the worse it gets. So let us draw where the lessons are learned, teach where it's never repeated  so that we live for today and not yesterday.  And when we live for today. Tomorrow won't be so uncertain.  We shall overcome when we learn.And in each of us from family, education, community, faith and work ethics,we will be strong in each and our society will be great.  For a dream that is built by us all is a frontier we will accomplish together and America will be the promise we know it can be. So let us learn in order to see. 


  "We are as happy as we make up our minds to be." Abraham Lincoln. I'm the happiest when I write-happiest taking a scrap piece of paper and start scribbling on it. Example like reading a quote from President Lincoln and writing it down because it tells me something. I find my treasure in scrap paper.So much I have it all over my office. When I see a quote or something comes to mind that strikes me.I grab that piece of paper and write it down. Something peaceful about a pen and a piece of paper.You can simply scribble and be just as happy with words.If the notes touch you,then you read it again and again.Sometimes I hurry writing and then can't read what I wrote. That disturbs,but I need to slow down when I write. But some of my writings I think to myself,"Did I just write that?" Being happy and how we make up our minds to be happy is ours alone.We can be inspired by others but our happiness and how we make it should inspire more,because each of us has a gif

Why Politics is a Disturbing Trend!

 There's no common ground-no reason and spirit to achieve progress and lift America's role in the world. Politics is about power not purpose. It's about yelling out accusations instead of talking of ideas. No unity-only party lines. Not encouraging,only discouraging. Politics along with power have become destructive. Now I know Alexander Hamilton gave us a reason why government was instituted and perhaps they'll never be a reason and justice because men won't conform. And as long as men won't conform ,then what spirit does it actually have in a nation we call-America? President Trump after nearly assassinated,yells out,"Fight!Fight!Fight!" Well that's all it ever is. We don't live for life,we live to fight life. Call it left or right all you want,but America is not the promise some think. The way were acting today is not a promise-its a repeat of Rome. And our politics is the direction thereof. I sound disturbing,but our politics has become a d




 It's that time again. Where Santa Claus makes his big trip of the year. Having coffee ☕️ with Mrs. Claus 🤶 he has a bit of good cheer. Checking the list of naughty or nice. Who gets the coal and who gets a smile on they're face.  Santa wants to bring joy to all. Toys for children. It's a very difficult world 🌎 today. That hope is desperately seeking to call.  So he checks list once more. Checks it twice. Phones 📱 the elves to see if toy's are ready and was told they are. That's nice. Mrs. Claus 🤶 happiest she's ever been. Christmas 🎄 is such a spirited time. There's so much fun. Baking cookies 🍪, preparing a nice meal for Santa 🎅 and the elves. While playing Elvis Presleys "Santa Claus is coming to town. " Jingle bells 🔔 at the North Pole are starting to ring. Elves begin to sing. Rudolph's nose is charging up, while the other reindeers are practicing their jump. Santa with his coffee ☕️ looks out at his winter wonderland. Then looks u


  AWHILE BACK GOOGLE posted a story that there was a question about having a black or African American playing the role of Superman. To me that was a dumb question. Certainly they can play Superman-they do it all the time-especially in the real world. To me there is a Superman and Supergirl in every ethic groups not just one.And after what history has gone through there shouldn't be any doubt or question. Just make the movie,perhaps the Rock Dewayne Johnson would be perfect because he is a superman himself. A electrifying one that is. Or maybe the unknown upcoming actors could do it too. Producers and directors they know how to find the right actors to fill the role. I'm amazed by that. But African Americans have played superheroes for years. One for me was Carl Weathers who played the iconic Apollo Creed. An awesome actor. Without Apollo Creed,Rocky Balboa would never have been known. Rocky III was a favorite because Apollo trained Rocky to get back the title from Clubber Lang