OUR 9TH PRESIDENT:What was he thinking?

                                    OUR 9TH PRESIDENT:What was he thinking?

It was clear in his inaugural address President William Henry Harrison would not serve a 2nd term.A man who once served as a commander  in the war of 1812 and negotiated unfair land deals with native Americans spoke for 2 hours on March 4th 1841 on a very cold day without a coat promised to serve a limited presidential role and would not interfere with what Congress decided and would not use a veto unless a law they tried to pass was unconstitutional.And as a slave owner left it to the states to decide slavery issues for themselves.

First,he makes me wonder why did he run for president if he was serving a limited role in the office?Leaving most to Congress unless they try to pass a law that was unconstitutional.He was 68yrs of age and to me seemed to be not anxious to do anymore than he had to.And second,what was he thinking of not wearing a jacket on a cold day with a 2 hour speech planned?

And it makes me wonder about the crowd that was there that day.Did some leave and left in the cold thinking it was a long winded speech.Grant you no TV was back there and books and newspapers is all they had for news and entertainment but even in the cold common sense should have been prevailed.He had plenty of time to say what he needed as president but one month after his inauguration he dies of pneumonia.

It's a shame in all accounts that he didn't want 2 terms,didn't want to do more than he had to,didn't wear a coat on a very cold and bitter day and its a shame he dies one month into office.

While I am confident President Harrison served his country both good and bad,perhaps more on the battlefield then he did in the White House but it will always get me scratching my head on why he didn't wear a coat for a two hour speech.And why would anyone prepare a two hour speech on a very cold day?

It was noted he had no time to really define his presidency.He didn't plan on being there long.Only he got his time limit wrong and the country then had to wonder "What was he thinking?"

Thanks 4 listening,Bob.


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