John F.Kennedy did not only read,he thought,he studied as well as examined,he saw the world from a young age and seen courage when it was needed..

And it was courage he admired the most.He also liked to see laughter in others.He prevented nuclear war through conversations and letters.Not a weapon of mass destruction.Not a voice of hatred or a street of riots.Kennedy cared about using the right words and lectured those who didn't.

Words were his weapon and he knew if used right they can move,motivate and can get others to see what they didn't see before.But he also knew if used wrong and they often are can do more damage and may take years to repair if not at all.

But words alone are not enough JFK reminds us if we are strong our strength will speak for itself,but if we are weak words will be of no help.He knew actions to make a better world is vital if it is to be a better world and that peace requires of us to live in mutual tolerance of one another.

For our politics is a table of never ending battles,but peace among men and women is a step towards reason and understanding.

So let us find our common grounds,work on the issues we agree on and come to the table of reason and not the table of social media,but in person so we can see one another and be dynamic not static.If JFK could talk to Eisenhower,Nixon and Kchruschev then we can talk to one  another.And let's have an understanding of the times in which we live being idealists without having illusions.

For it is today that our illusions are running amonk and not the ideas that live on.And as JFK would say,"We can do better."We can do better if we try.Listen,understand and work together to resolve.For even today there's a new world to be won but it'll take pioneers and pathfinders not skeptics.So let us if we can.Thanks 4 listening.


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