MAKE IT MATTER-Yesterday would have been President Ronald Reagan's 107th birthday.Laura Ingraham who worked in the Reagan White House was told by the president,"Make it matter."On her show last night Laura paid tribute to her former boss who stuck with his guns and sticking to his peace thru strength,but remembered him mostly for his sense of humor.
President Reagan was an optimistic,uplifting leader-that while he was strong for freedom,he was also a man for peace.It led the Berlin Wall to fall.Reagan also had faith like a mountain and he carried it with him as he journeyed the miles of a noble profession and kept it through the final journey of life.
He believed America's best days were ahead even despite the road of darkness of alzheimer's he was preparing to face.In life Ronald Reagan made America matter,he made faith matter and he made freedom more important the best hope to mankind NOT PEOPLE KIND-MANKIND matter.
So to learn Laura worked for Ronald Reagan was neat to know.It explains her patriotism and passion.She makes it matter.Thanks 4 listening.
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