"Our nation endures because we have citizens who love America,and are willing to fight for America."-President Donald Trump.
GENERATIONS OF AMERICANS have endured a lot of great trials and have overcome a lot of great tragedies.And with all that they hold the greatest of promises in freedom.
AND THE REASON THEY DO-They endure!They love America.Today it seems there is a lot of ignorance roaming through this era,but don't let that fool you.When freedom is attacked,the brave go to battle.We endure the most,but there is a point enough is enough.
WE THE PEOPLE in every generation endures trials and they will come for tomorrow's generations.And this is why education is vital.For education is the tool that leads the promise of freedom's tomorrow.The lack of it puts the next generation and freedom in trouble.
BUT OUR HISTORY shows-as it will tomorrow-freedom and liberty are not easily surrendered.At least by the courageous.By those who love America.
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