WITH ALL THE CONTROVERSY around the kneeling in protest during the play of National Anthem at NFL football games starting with former 49ers star Colin Kaeperick over racism,police shootings of young black or African American kids here is my take.
I GET THE PROTESTS and every American is entitled to it when they see wrong and injustice.While racism apparentally still exists in America today I believe there is much better platforms to protest than a football field,but I understand why they chose that stage to do it.And it's understandable when they do it once or twice but at every game?
THE NATIONAL ANTHEM is to be a stand in respect.Singing loud and proud with our hand to our heart.Respecting our troops and the freedoms that we have.Were not a perfect nation that's why we work to make it a more perfect union.But we also must respect the game and the fans who come with their hard earned money to watch and support not hear about politics or other issues.We
love the talent in the NFL and it's our day to watch the teams we support in peace.Aaron Rodgers said recently it's not about disrespecting our country,our flag or our troops.I believe him.But these protests are showing otherwise.
PRESIDENT TRUMP speaks out of patriotism for the National Anthem and while his language to some is an attack on the NFL and the players it is not.There is a place for protest and there's a place to play football.
WHILE INJUSTICE HAPPENS so does justice itself and it's not always seen because we either protect too much that we don't see that police don't purposely shoot people because of race.They shoot to defend themselves.Sometimes they are wrong but not always.And wearing socks that says cops are pigs doesn't help the protest or the message in fact it hurts it,in fact it adds to racism.
YOU CAN'T OPPOSE RACISM if you add fuel to it.You can't oppose violence if you add to it.And you can't keep dragging this protest into our football games then it starts to become something else and that hurts your message and the NFL.
I SAY LET OUR PROTESTS BE HEARD but also let our games be played,our country respected and our flag wave proudly without politics getting in the way.There's no need to kneel at every game.Lock arms if you must but stand for the anthem.
LET'S KEEP THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA alive with our respects and love for the troops clear.That we are a nation of resolve and that all sides to quit shouting and show were on the field and off together including with the president.We have issues we need to fight together like racism,injustice and such but we must fight them together as the American family.
AND KEEP THE NFL as our American heritage strong.A field of dreams where the fans and players are always inspired and something to always cheer about.And be proud of.
I LOOK FORWARD TO AN AMERICA where we can talk AND hear one another,not pointing the finger of blame but reaching our hands out to each other.Respecting our police,our community's and showing the world that freedom together is hope for all mankind.
HAVE FAITH IN GOD knowing the gifts He's placed in us will score more runs and more touchdowns that will shine among the country where we win together in the spirit of hope.So God bless the NFL,their players(including Colin whether you agree or not too and perhaps he will get back on the field soon.)No gift should be wasted because of politics or other reasons.God bless the fans,President Trump and all of America.Thanks 4 listening.


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