"I'm asking the members of the newspaper profession and the industry in this country to re-examine  their own responsibilities to consider the degree and the nature of the present danger and to heed the duty of self-restraint,which that danger imposes upon us all."-President John F. Kennedy.

This was in the early 60s under the Kennedy administration. President John F. Kennedy spoke to the press who wasn't happy then when President Kennedy made clear of the threat but he had sounded like his speech was the president versus the press. To which he was right.

Then as well as today there is no self-restraint  but while Kennedy did not call them the enemy of the people,they have been the enemy in some parts of their industry-the enemy of the truth.

The mainstream media has been playing the political divide to which they should not be. They hammer the 45th President Donald Trump harder than anyone because he referred to them as the enemy of the people. No fair assessment of his term so far only hate and bitterness. Because he sees this clear and present danger. They do not because they are controlled.

Today it is Trump versus the press. And its not good but as it is my hope that all sides lower the tone but there is those few in the press that won't stop. Even with the current Coronavirus  crisis going on. They must realize the current present danger is not so much the virus as it is the battle between truth and fake news.

If they don't realize this and be the journalists America needs  then this city upon a hill will falter and sinkholed into a destructive end. Kennedy was serious about this threat. And those that loved Kennedy in the media knows its true and should do something.

The media cannot be one sided. They cannot just go after the the current president they need to go after the other side too. The American people need the press to not just tell the story but tell the truth and the people themselves must be willing to do the same when the media does tell the truth.

Press then and now needed  restraint. But so does now everyone else. And if we do not heed to the truth. The truth will come forcing in and it won't be tweeting or give you notice. It will though come in like Donald Trump did and you won't like it even more. In only three years I've seen what fake news has been doing. But do not see real journalists stand up and oppose it.

As long as lies become us,within the media,our leaders it will filter in the people and for many it has. See the clear and present danger? Then let's tone
down the rhetoric. Give each other credit when its due and when criticizing,let it be fair and respectful.

And then come together as our nation binds us to be. Thanks for listening.


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