ROCKY VERSUS CORONA!


It's another matchup of the century. A vicious fighter named Corona has been knocking the hell out of people,nations. So at home the Italian Stallion who's done enough battles in his career sees this fighter as a threat to not only freedom but also a threat to livelihood itself.

He's worse than Ivan Drago but yet he comes from Russia too. If Rocky Balboa excepts this fight deep down it won't be an ordinary match. Keeping social distancing he must go the distance again.

Rocky always did things because they were the right thing to do. Not out of revenge or just because others seek him to. But the Corona was more than just another fight. It was something he had to do even though at his age the threat of this fight could be deadly.

But like Apollo Creed his friend he had to rise to this challenge regardless of the risk. It was not a show but it was a mission to win.

CORONAVIRUS is who he calls himself and Rocky knows he must be brought down. It's either him or it's us. So Rocky steps in the ring and the bell rings. Corona comes out pounding the Rock round after round trying to knock Rocky out. But Rocky didn't come here to stay down,he came  to keep standing. The spirit of Rocky is amazing.

The virus seems astounded by Rocky's courage and endurance even at his age the Rock was still hard like a rock. The social distancing is working but the Rock is going the distance. Rocky is fighting not just for himself,but for us all and we the people are fighting this monster with him.

APOLLO CREED-As the fifteen round approaches we hear the voice of the former heavyweight champion Apollo Creed say,"Eye of the Tiger Rock!Eye of the Tiger!" We hear the voice of Mickey,"You got this kid." Rocky rises tired and beaten and almost seems no air is left in him but Corona beat up as he was would not stop. Rocky thought "Go for it."

That sound of music begins to play "Gonna Fly Now" Rocky comes out swinging. The Corona starts to weaken and with all the energy Rocky has left in him pounds the virus to the floor. The count is made. THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH ROCKY BALBOA!! "By keeping the social distance we all will win together and come together again." He says.

ADRIAN'S GRAVE-Sitting by her grave he sits in silence. Paulie's grave next to Adrians he could hear him."Are you done with the beast now?" But the heavens opened up and Adrians soft voice spoke down to Rocky."Rocky,you did it." "Yo Adrian,we did it."
We'll keep moving forward.


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