REMEMBERING A LADY-The World's Princess!


                                     REMEMBERING A LADY-The World's Princess!

August 31,2020 was the 23yr anniversary of the passing of Lady Diana,known to the world as Princess Diana.

I remember that day Aug 31,1997. My wife and I just got out of church and we went to a resturant in town to eat. The newsstands filled with papers had the front line that Princess Diana died. It was a surprise as it was a shock to millions. They said she,her boyfriend and a bodyguard were killed. The driver was still alive. Apparently they were being chased by the paparazzi who as all knows wouldn't leave Diana alone.

Diana was more than a world's princess. She was Lady Diana who shined and touched the hearts of those she met and saw. She saw the worlds problems and tried to express efforts to solve them. Her last inspection was on land mines. I do remember she visited Chicago in 1996 and what a turnout she had. But when she was away  from spotlight she wanted her privacy.

Her personal life mattered. To spend it with her boys and while dealing with the Royals which was another life she raised them the best for them to live a normal life as possible. Today she'd be proud of them.

Lady Diana was a light for the world and the world crowned her princess but I think she preferred being Lady Diana. She was a good hearted woman,a good mother who once stated,"Family is the most important thing in the world." I know her sons will keep that in mind with their families. As well as it should for all of us and our families.

Diana reminds us to be the good in the world because especially now it needs it. It's important and being lights for the world can make it brighter and better. Lady Diana was only 36 when she died.


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