"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."-Martin Luther King Jr.

I don't care if its Donald Trump or Joe Biden we must never let anyone lower ourselves to hate them. When we hate as Medgar Evers used to say we only hurt ourselves. And those with faith knows were all God's children living under the same roof.

Yet we act like we have our own stage,our own room when we all share  one house. Whether in marriage or community love is the chain that strengthens hope. Keeps the home,the city safe. For it was love that made us all.It will be love that saves us.

We know the world is a cruel place-we know it was cruel to the Lord when He walked among us. And despite the crucifixion  the Lord still did not hate them. He was beaten before nailed to the cross. Yet He said Father forgive them they do not know what they do. And we don't.

For we see only our physical battles but many do not know we also have spiritual battles and that's whats really at war. And time is short for the evil that has brought us to chaos,but it is faith that holds on to the end,if we believe,endure and love we shall be saved.

Pray without ceasing is the anchor that keeps our boats above water. So those with faith don't hate and those who don't have faith my hope is you will see the light of this truth. Hate is what destroys,love is what builds. Love your fellow man,pray for them no matter how they treat you.

Love one another is one of two great commandments of life,first is to love God with all your heart. For those who don't believe God is not about religion. He's about love and everlasting life. As He first loved us we must love one another.

Never hate is the lesson that's not being taught as much as it should be,but we have a few that teaches hate. Hate is not the answer and it never will be,just as politics can never unite a family. We all should see this but we don't.

I write this today because of my concerns for my brothers of faith and those who don't have faith. We promote the brave,the land of the free in America. But we don't do enough to crown our good in brotherhood.

So I say in marriage be committed to love one another because together you are one. In your community's love your neighbors because out of many you are one.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was the cupid's arrow that shot love into America and preached because hate is wrong for any man,any race,any nation. And hate in America is the very hammer that will tear it down unless we learn from it and shoot love into each other's hearts and have a stronger foundation in freedom's cause.

So on this coming Valentine's Day let us begin to let love rule our hearts,let hate be defeated and conquered. Let it give you new eyes to those you hate because they too are your brothers,they are your sisters. And as hard as it is to believe-it's true.

Love conquers all because it gets us through anything. If your faith,trust and love is in the right place. Hate will never have a home. God bless you,God bless America.


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